murmur de izvar: Artist Logo

'murmur de izvar' is a young Moldovan duo of artists producing electronic music of mixed genres.

logo design

Desired vibe

To ensure alignment with the band’s vision for the essence and identity, it was crucial to begin with a verbal and visual exploration of the key musical values and characteristics. By identifying the appropriate metaphor and visual style, I then proceeded to research and evaluate a wide range of references before selecting the most effective ones.

Screenshot of Soyuz grotesk font

Font choice

After undergoing a mood exploration of the band,‘Soyuz Grotesk’ seemed an appropriate font to go for conceptually. This is because it combines the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, which aligns with the Moldovan heritage of the band.

Soyuz Grotesk font


‘Izvar’ (gluhwein) was the main key in this exploration. Drinking gluwein in Moldova is a way to socialize and celebrate the cold season. It’s also a symbol of coziness. Therefore, visually outlining the chosen typeface into a cup / mug, was a great starting point.

logo anatomy

Color palette

Once I had determined the appropriate typography style, I researched various color combinations to capture the essence of the band's music and, in particular, its melancholic ‘vice city’ mood.

youtube channel containing the design
instagram story screenshot containing the design at one of the gigs

Final result

Turqoise (#00FFCF) and Pink (#FF00D8) were the color choice for the final logo.

final logo svg

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