Artbnb: Visual Identity

I was challenged to come up with the visual identity for a project where artists swap homes in attempt to blur the lines between privacy and studio life – all under the slogan "Home is where the art is."

logo design

About project

'Artbnb' is a unique residential project that took place from February 19 to February 28, 2018 in The Hague. The project brought together a diverse group of artists, ranging from graduating students to established professionals, to collaborate in a unique way. The artists swapped homes and used their new surroundings as inspiration to create works of art with a curatorial emphasis on site specificity.

The project aimed to challenge traditional notions of art spaces by blurring the lines between private living spaces and creative workspaces. Through this approach, 'Artbnb' encouraged its participants to question and rethink the potential uses of a space, and explore new ways to integrate art into everyday life.


The logotype is aimed at a modern, simple, and memorable style. I chose to feature a symbol or icon that reflects the idea of 'home' or '(re)building a home', complex yet easy enough to read and recognizable in various sizes and applications.

real life sketches of the new logo in a notebook

Color choice

Once the appropriate sketch has been chosen, I started looking into the best possible color for this specific project. I looked into colors that are bright and vibrant, reflecting the dynamic and collaborative nature of the project. After discussions with the client, we've decided to go with the 'Airbnb' brand color.

Final 'Artbnb' logo
tshirt mockup


Main event page